This Article Addresses The Ways in which managing Stress Effectively and permanently.
Definition of Stress :
Stress refers to the adaptive response to mental disorders and well-being.
Under pressure, the body tries to monopolize all his skills to control the situation, or, on the contrary, escape from the situation.
the different ways to manage stress :
Depending on the person, how you endure and fight the stress is different.
obviously that say different cases say different ways :
Stress after childbirth :
Definition of postpartum depression :
Postpartum depression can occur at any time during the year post-partum. The experts agree that this is not the sole cause of post-partum depression, but the combined effect of several factors, all of which may play a role in its pathogenesis. Therefore, the post-partum depression can be explained by physiological reasons, but it can also be triggered by major life changes caused by the arrival of the baby. It can also be overwhelmed or even exceeded because of stress, lack of balance between the tasks and recreational activities.
The research reports that the post-partum depression (major depression) affects approximately 7% of mothers in the first three months after childbirth. However, it can affect up to 19% of women suffering from mild depression. Studies have shown that the incidence of postpartum depression in the three months post-partum is usually higher and decreases gradually thereafter.
How to overcome postpartum depression ?
here are some ways to help you feel well, Tell your partner or your parent that you are uncomfortable and you need more baby care and assistance for daily tasks; Take care of yourself: sleep, take a bath (except cesarean section), go out for you to empty the mind and have fun; Activities with baby: walks in the open air, in contact with skin, etc If you are still not satisfied or exceeded by the event a few weeks later, or if you are not interested in the baby, you're may be more the person who caused the baby, but a patient of depression, post-partum or post-partum). .
Stress after cancer :
The cancer sometimes causes anxiety, and this anxiety does not go away. This is what we call stress disorder post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Then you can:
Avoid places (such as hospitals) or the people related to your cancer treatment
Become nervous or irritable,
Difficulty falling asleep and nightmares related to your cancer or its treatment
Continue to think about your cancer experience
Stress after a breakup :
According to an article published in Thrive Global, the research confirms it: the divorce or separation is the second after the death of the spouse on the pressure gauge. The break will change our daily lives, and we are not always ready to face this change. The path to recovery is long and tortuous. There is no easy way to overcome this problem, but certain techniques can help you to better manage stress.
Give yourself time :
If "forget" a person is as easy as some people believe, then breaking up is relatively easy. However, it is by rethinking the relationship between the good and the bad times that you can restore a sense of identity. According to your own history, this process can help you to remember yourself. This is the first step of the reconstruction.
Although it is not recommended to do too much introspection during the rupture, to force themselves to forget what happened is just as bad.
Your relationship is a story that only you can tell :
Therefore, you do not need to recover immediately. Write a story Although you can choose to break as the main theme, the technique can be applied to any other situation. The writing, especially the narration of stories, can help reduce your heart rate and help your body cope with the stress of separation. So don't hesitate to get out the notebook and to put on paper all that you lack.
Remove any doubt about the form or the grammar:
this is your story, you write it for yourself. Believe that the people around you are looking for additional support from your friends and family. I hope to communicate with people who have known you for a long time, The people who have interacted with you before starting a relationship, or without ex-partner. Spend time with these people can remind you of your favorite activities, your valuable suggestions, your love and your listening. All this support helps to reduce the stress of life changes you are experiencing.
Stress after transfer embryo :
It seems that waiting for the results of transfer of embryos, the level of stress has reached its maximum. Regardless of the stage at which the patient is located, the uncertainty of the outcome is usually very painful.
Tips for managing stress after the embryo transfer:
One of the best treatments for anxiety disorders is to understand the situation.
Anticipate your decisions and reactions can be very useful to resolve these issues before you face them, so that you don't have to rush to decide, because these choices have implications ethical, moral, and religious importance.
Think about it and don't forget to do other activities, which are especially important when you need to wait 10 to 14 days between the embryo transfer and the results of the pregnancy test.
Cultivate relationships with people you love and share emotions is essential.
Let yourself cry. Please note that your reaction to that hypersensitivity is the result of drugs, and is only a temporary condition. This experience is similar to sadness.