Happiness is not a luxury. let's discover together this much sought-after happiness........

Happiness is not a luxury, it costs nothing

does happiness exist?

Life is not always rosy, and it will never be, and it is not a fairy tale where many stories end well, there are ups and downs, we are not always in good spirits, sometimes we are even in great pain 

But the most important thing is to have confidence in ourselves and to have the will to be always better to have that happiness that we lack.

We must believe that we are capable of achieving the goals we have set.

In our lives, we are often confronted with unfortunate events, irritating divergences that come our way, which have a great influence on our path. How can we find our happiness despite these problems? How to be happy in life? Here are some tips to help us maintain the balance of happiness. 

1. Forget the past

Happiness is not a luxury, it costs nothing

This is a very valuable advice. We cannot change anything from the past, often punctuated by unfortunate events that we regret and that are set up as a model, which prevents us from living fully the present.

We notice that the past has the capacity to shape us: the education we received and the habits we acquired often lead us to make choices. It is therefore essential to try to free ourselves from the past in order to build our own destiny.

Forgetting is not a failure of memory but a force of will that wants to savor life, because forgetting makes you happy. 

Living in the present moment by doing all the activities that are related to it, allows us to appreciate life and the chances it offers us.

2. Learn from your failures

Happiness is not a luxury, it costs nothing

Learning from failures is a sign of wisdom, but our culture has an ambiguous relationship with mistakes. On the one hand, we say that mistakes are human, and on the other hand, we feel guilty and blame the other person. It is probably because of this vacillating attitude that it is difficult for most of us to revisit a mistake, to take the time to study it, and to accept to draw conclusions from it.

There is no other secret to grow and flourish than to learn from our disappointments and misfortunes, we never get used to falling, it is by getting up that we learn to walk.

Learning to move forward, to improve our destiny. For many of us, happiness lies in the hope of achieving our dreams. Overcoming obstacles, feeling pride in accomplishing a goal, is often what brings us the most satisfaction. And to be able to achieve this, it is essential to be aware of our shortcomings and take the time to analyze what is not working.

3. Have confidence in ourselves.

Happiness is not a luxury, it costs nothing

Trust our own convictions and stop looking for the approval of others.

We want to satisfy everyone, for a necessity of love, friendship, and especially for fear of rejection. Self-confidence requires patience and indulgence towards oneself, when it is achieved, it becomes an invaluable strength to face life in a positive way.

We must focus on our strengths and avoid focusing on our weaknesses, because believing in oneself is not innate and must be worked on.

Let's not lose sight of the fact that we live for ourselves, not for others.

4. Appreciate life.

Happiness is not a luxury, it costs nothing

It is fundamental to learn to enjoy every little moment, to savor every moment. 

People who have gone through painful experiences in their lives choose to look at life with fresh eyes, and the details take on their full importance.

These people who thought they had lost everything at some point in their lives ask themselves these questions:

Are our relationships with our loved ones harmonious? are we sick? are we without a roof over our heads, without a job?

Then we are privileged and gratified by life.

5. Forgiveness.

Happiness is not a luxury, it costs nothing

Some research has shown that forgiving reduces anxiety and depression.

While forgiving others is an act that frees us from negative feelings that can contaminate our lives, in practice, forgiveness can sometimes seem arduous.

It's not about tolerating wrongdoing, rather understanding it.

All the energy spent on harboring resentment towards those who have wronged us is poison to the soul.

Forgiveness frees us from a terrible burden that can prevent us from moving forward, while bringing healing to the soul.

6. Tap into your talents.

Happiness is not a luxury, it costs nothing

Identify your key talents: the ones that have always characterized you, and organize your activity around these strengths.

Try to think out of the box of your usual mental functioning, what the Americans call "thinking out of the box".

Implementing your project with the aim of succeeding is extremely positive, because the feeling of creation is really satisfying, you will finally feel fulfilled in your new life

7. Altruism.

Happiness is not a luxury, it costs nothing

Listening to others allows you to understand them, to overcome your own prejudices and to give them support and empathy.

You become a more tolerant person, more open, in short, a more pleasant person to live with!

However, it is essential to protect oneself against the negative waves emitted by the person in distress.

We risk perceiving the negative emotions and frustrations of others, and thus carrying this heaviness within us.

 We must learn to listen, to put ourselves in the place of others, to understand their emotions (joy, sadness, suffering...), while understanding that the sorrows of others belong to them and that it is up to them to face them.

8. Trust.


Happiness is not a luxury, it costs nothing

Improve our relationships with those around us, our neighbors, colleagues, family members and friends, by accepting them as they are, appreciating their qualities rather than looking for lice in their heads, and avoiding non-existent or unimportant problems.

9. Laugh. 

Happiness is not a luxury, it costs nothing

Life and its stresses nowadays prevent us from laughing and sometimes even smiling.

Anxiety and stress raise our heart rate, and our muscles become tense.

On the other hand, laughter triggers more respiratory exchanges facilitating a better oxygenation of the blood.

Several scientific studies confirm that the beneficial effects of laughter stem negative thoughts and prevent the consequences of stress.

10. Generosity.

Happiness is not a luxury, it costs nothing

Bringing a little happiness to others is an immense feeling of pure pleasure to help your fellow man.

Giving without counting the cost, offering time, attention or affection, helping others without return, doing it for free with a sense of accomplishment brings an intense satisfaction.

Some scientific researches even affirm that turning more towards the other could ward off depression.

Thus, when we give, we think less about our own unhappiness and this contributes to find meaning in our existence.


To be positive and to live fully in serenity and quietude for a happy life, it is a question of behavior.

Happiness is not a luxury, it costs nothing
This informs us that Happiness is not a luxury, and it costs absolutely nothing, just our will to reach it.