Pessimism vs Optimism

pessimism vs. optimism.You probably know people who walk with a smile on their face and are characterized by positive thinking. Or perhaps you yourself are a person who perceives the difficulties that arise on the road as "learning experiences"? If you're a keen observer, you've probably noticed that these people tend to be much better off than the malcontents who complain about everything and everyone. Now, you may also find that your assumptions are confirmed by research findings compiled by America's leading research centers..

Benefits of optimism:

1. Better health 

Being pessimistic means being more likely to get infectious diseases, be unhealthy, and die earlier.

2. More accomplishments  

Teams with a better mood and optimism win their games much more often than others. Also, pessimistic beliefs about the world and others lead to poorer sports performance.

3. Perseverance  

Optimists don't give up as easily as pessimists on the way to their goal. Some multi-millionaires have gone bankrupt several times before succeeding.

4. Emotional health 

For depressed patients, studies have shown that 12 weeks of intensive cognitive therapy (ICT) works much better than any type of medication.

5. Longevity

Numerous studies show that optimism has a positive effect on therapy and life expectancy.

6. Less stress 

Optimists are also much less stressed than pess
imists. Optimists tend to believe in themselves and their abilities - they see negative events as minor obstacles to their goal.